news | Notice of releasement Metacampus platform 「UVERSE」

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writer 최고관리자 date lookup1,565 comment0



Gala Lab Corp. (Seongnam, Korea, CEO Hyunsoo Kim), a consolidated subsidiary of the Company, is pleased to announce that 「UVERSE」, a metaverse campus platform co-developed with LG Uplus Corp. (Seoul, Korea, CEO Hyunsik Hwang) and Megazone Corp. (Seoul, Korea, CEO Jihwang Jang), has been launched in Korea.

1. Outline
On December 12, 2022, our consolidated subsidiary, Gala Lab Corp. signed a business partnership agreement with LG U+, a large Korean telecommunications company, and Megazone, Korea's No. 1 cloud operation agency, to develop a metaverse platform that provides universities and other educational institutions with a virtual space for students' community spaces, such as university classrooms, libraries, and permanent public halls.

2. 「UVERSE」 Outline
「UVERSE」 is a cloud-based service that greatly reduces the burden of deployment costs. Unlike existing BC metaverse services that provide only standard spaces on a structured map, 「UVERSE」 is a virtual space that reflects reality, with dedicated spaces specialized for each school and features that are essential for classes and school life.
「UVERSE」 is accessible through a dedicated website without the need to install an app, with persistence from pre-admission to post-graduation activities, and security that only authorized students and faculty can access.
「UVERSE」's signature feature, 'the UVERSE Auditorium', can accommodate more than 1,000 people at once, making it ideal for large-scale lectures and other on-campus events. Participants can be polled, and presenters and participants can interact with each other through Q&A. Another feature is the 'UVERSE Counseling Room', where students can use their avatars to receive psychological counseling on admission, employment, and campus life. You can also enjoy various social activities such as chatting with your avatar and managing your followers and followers.

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